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Register to get a free Community license with 1 GB of storage space for your projects on our cloud servers based on Google Cloud Platform. The license is yours forever. Take all the time you need to test Instant Developer, and then choose the right combination of development licenses and deployment options for you, with the maximum flexibility.

Development Licenses

community icona


Begin creating your Instant Developer solutions for free and with 1 GB of storage


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premium icona


Support, consulting, tools, and unlimited solutions for developing omnichannel applications for every need

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Application Deployment

You decide which mode is best for deploying and managing your software. And you can change it with maximum flexibility.

Self Deployed icona

Self Deployed

Publish your applications manually on your servers and on the mobile app stores


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Cloud Deployer Icona

Cloud Deployer

Publish your web apps in a few clicks on a secure and scalable Cloud infrastructure

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App Launcher Icona

App Launcher

Automatically publish and update your apps on Google Play and Apple App Store.

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Starter Kit

Activate the Starter Kit, the fastest, simplest, and most convenient way to learn to develop, publish, and manage web and mobile apps with Instant Developer.

The Starter Kit is a training program that we design ad-hoc for each developer or team and it is specifically customized to your application, the one you want to make.

Competitive, customized pricing for specific individual, team, and project requirements.

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Up to 10 Remote One-Hour Individual Training Sessions


3 Month Premium Development License

accesso 3 mesi

Up to 3 months of Cloud server use to publish web apps


Up to 3 months of Launcher for publishing to the app stores


Skills assessment tests

A few clicks and you're online!

Discover Launchers

With the Launchers, the Instant Developer native containers, secure your builds, click, and you’ll find them on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

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Man app luncher

Frequently Asked Questions

A few questions we are frequently asked about license features and prices

  • Yes. With the Community development license you develop Android and iOS mobile applications and web apps with no limitations on the number of projects.

  • The Community development license allows you to get familiar with the development environment and experiment with its potential. In order to publish web or mobile applications created with Instant Developer, they need to have been developed with a Premium development license.

  • You can continue to publish the builds you created up until the time your Premium development license expired. You can also download the source code corresponding to the builds that you created up to that point. Pro Gamma maintains the source code for not longer than 12 months from the latest suspension of the plan.

    • Number of views per project. Premium: unlimited. Community: 20 views per project.
    • Teamworking for private projects. Premium: enabled for the Team license, not enabled for the Personal license. Community: not enabled.
    • Teamworking for public projects. Enabled for all licenses: Premium, both Personal and Team, and Community.
    • Source code downloadable for manual mobile and server publication. Premium: available. Community: not available.
    • Publication of web apps on Instant Developer IDC App Servers (Cloud Deployer). Premium: possible (for an additional fee). Community: not available.
    • Mobile publication to Apple and Google app stores with Launchers. Premium: possible (for an additional fee). Community: not available.
    • Mobile app testing on the device with the Instalauncher app. Premium: available. Community: available only if connected to an active IDE session.
    • Backup of projects. Premium: available. Community: not available
    • Access to the Technical Support Service. Premium: possible (for an additional fee). Community: not available.
  • The differences concern two features:

    Teamworking for private projects. Premium Team: enabled. Premium Personal: not enabled.
    Increase in storage space on the IDE server. When activating a Premium Personal or Team development license, a corresponding Instant Developer Cloud IDE Server is activated with a given amount of storage space, RAM, processing power, and Egress threshold. The values corresponding to these parameters are scaled to the organization and are always available and visible on the cloud dashboard accessible from the organization itself. For the Team license, storage space can be increased (for an additional fee), while this option is not available for the Personal license.

  • You can move from a Community development license to a Premium development license while keeping the same account. You cannot however transfer the code created.

  • Yes, you can work as a team on public projects.

  • A private project is an application subject to the proprietary logic of the individual user or organization, while a public project is an application that can be accessed by other users according to the terms of the MIT License. For more information, read the Terms of Use for the Platform, which you can access during registration and in the contractual material.

  • With the Cloud Deployer deployment mode, you also have a cloud server in use (also called IDC App Server). For this reason, if you interrupt your subscription, operation of the server is also interrupted. When you suspend your subscription, a snapshot is created of the entire server, which Pro Gamma keeps as a backup for 12 months. Before interrupting or suspending your subscription you still need to make a backup of all your data and content and save it.

  • No. You can keep your app on the two Apple and Google app stores even if you interrupt your subscription. If you decide to update your app and publish the updated app, you’ll need to resume your subscription. Alternatively, you can always decide to publish your updated app manually (using the Self Deployed publication mode).

  • Yes. The Cloud Deployer plan includes a real-time disaster recovery system that allows you to retrieve the snapshot within a few minutes.
    There are also other backup options.
    In fact, automatic backup is available before each deployment, as is manual backup (which can be run at any time). Both of these options are free.
    If you want to run more frequent backups, you can select the daily or hourly backup options (for an additional fee).

  • No, the Community development license is completely free and does not expire. Remember however, that once your account has been inactive for 12 months, your projects will be permanently removed from the server.

  • Downgrades from the Premium plans to the Community development license are not provided for. If you want to permanently interrupt your Premium plan, you can download the source code corresponding to the builds that you have created up to that point. Pro Gamma maintains the source code for not longer than 12 months from the latest suspension of the subscription.

  • Yes, you are always responsible for publishing your software, and therefore you must have an Android developer license. If you use the Launchers, you’ll need to provide the license details just once per Launcher. If you publish in manual mode (Self Deployed), you have complete responsibility for publication, including the requirement of having an Android developer license.

  • Yes, you are always responsible for publishing your software, and therefore you must have an Apple developer license. If you use the Launchers, you’ll need to provide the license details just once per Launcher. If you publish in manual mode (Self Deployed), you have complete responsibility for publication, including the requirement of having an Apple developer license.

  • With the Community development license you can access all the documentation, tutorials, exercises, and examples available in the platform. Access to the support and consulting service, meaning the option to open tickets, is reserved for clients with active Premium development licenses and for clients with active Cloud Deployer and App Launcher publication plans.

  • Yes, mobile apps created with Instant Developer and published on the stores can be sold.

  • Yes, in-app purchases can be integrated into mobile apps made with Instant Developer.

  • Yes, paid SaaS services can be created using Instant Developer.

  • You can buy your subscription using a credit card or a bank transfer.

  • Yes, the Cloud Deployer plan servers (also called IDC App Servers) are scalable depending on the size purchased. For M type servers or greater, storage space can be increased. For M and L type servers, you can also increase or decrease the amount of RAM and the CPU power. For detailed information about server sizes and the various options available, consult the Terms of Use for the platform, available during registration and in the contractual set.

  • Yes, the development license allows you to develop an unlimited number of products with no restrictions on the end customers for each.

  • One Launcher allows you to publish a mobile app to the Apple and Google stores. To publish the same app on two stores, you therefore only need to purchase one Launcher. For each different app you want to publish to the stores using Launchers, you must purchase a specific Launcher for that app.

  • The number of Web apps that can be published with the Cloud Deployer plan varies based on the size of the server (called IDC App Server) included in the plan selected, from 3 web apps for an S server to 80 web apps for an XXXL server. For detailed information about server sizes and the various options available, consult the Terms of Use for the platform, available during registration and in the contractual set.

  • Use of the licenses is based on the concept of concurrent seats, meaning each development license can only be used by one person at any given time. Therefore, if the five developers on your team must all work at the same time, you’ll need five licenses. If not, you can purchase fewer than five licenses, depending on how many you expect to be used at the same time.

  • Any application made with the Premium development license can be sold without restriction.

  • Simply download the build from the platform and give the customer the code.

  • Yes, projects can be duplicated.

  • There is no limit to the number of projects you can create with the Community development license.

  • There is no limit to the number of projects you can create with a Premium development license.

  • There are a number of options. There are monthly and annual plans available for the development licenses. Launchers are offered as an annual plan. For the Cloud Deployer publication plan (which includes the so-called IDC App Servers), purchases are based on monthly subscriptions. For detailed information about the various options available, consult the Terms of Use for the platform, available during registration and in the contractual set.

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